Everyone has seen this breakdown truck in action as it loads a vehicle involved in an accident and takes it to be repaired. To recovervehicles, the loading platform can be removed and the crane can beextended and swiv-elled. The extendible wheel lift and the loadhandling gear, consisting of tracks and wheel clamps, enable safe andfast towing. Wheel chocks and fold-out support legs ensure stabilityand profiled tyres complete the picture. The tipping driver’s cab ofthe MAN provides a view of the engine and the mirrors of the driver’scab can be folded up. The engine bonnet of the cross-country vehiclecan also be opened and its windscreen folds down. The cross-countryvehicle can also be steered.
drivers cab
- Driver’s cabin can be tilted
- engine bonnet can be opened
automotive body
- whell-away and swivelling hoisting crane
- inc. wheel lift and load handling gear (consisting of tracks and wheel clamps)
- loading platform can be removed
- chocks and fold-out shoring
- tread tyres
Length: 52cm
Width: 26cm
Height: 19cm
Weight: 1619g